Wow, its been months! I am really bad at this whole blog posting thing. I'm going to give most of the blame to my computer. It crashed, so we downloaded lynx, or however its spelled, onto our computer. I have no idea how this system works, so I have no idea how to put my new pictures on my computer. So, sorry, no new pics, just updates.
Since last I wrote we have moved out of Aaron's parents house!(Down fall the streamers, balloons and confetti!) It was difficult to live there with our kids, and then there was an incident that made us pack up and leave with out saying goodbye. I almost feel bad...almost.
So now we are back in Spanish Fork across the street where we used to live. We loved the neighborhood, and LOVE having our own place again! There's nothing like living with your inlaws that really helps you to appreciate your own place. We haven't had our own place since my brother in law and his wife moved in with us almost 3 years ago, so we are loving it!
We have also broke ground for our home in Santaquin. Well, technically they haven't excavated yet, we just had a ceremony with some gold painted shovels. It was fun. (I have pictures, but once again, no idea how to post them. As soon as I figure it out it will be on here!) The official excavation is set for June 8th, and we start our building ours at the end of June!
Nevaeh and Joseph are great! Joseph is 7 months old now! He is sitting up, and trying to figure out the whole crawling thing. So far he gets on all fours, and then falls on his face. He is a charmer too! He smiles at everyone and everything! He is almost never grumpy, even when we leave him. Nevaeh is his favorite person in the world! In fact, Aaron and I left him and Vaeh with my mom for about an hour. Vaeh fell asleep in the car, so she was asleep the whole time. When we came back Joseph was wailing, which is VERY uncharacteristic for Joseph. I had no idea what was wrong, until we loaded the kids in the car. Vaeh had finally woken up and when Joseph saw her he was ecstatic to say the least! He was singing, smiling, and didn't want to sit back to get buckled in! He was so happy to see her. Then I figured out that he missed Vaeh. She is usually there making him laugh while we are gone. Poor guy felt abandoned! It was so cute! Our kids love each other! Vaeh is a great big sister!
Aaron and I are great too! We are about to run our first 5k race together this Saturday! Its been fun to do something together as a couple with out the kids. Plus we want to enjoy as much of the summer as we can before most of our time is commited to building our home.
I guess that's all for now! Until next time, thanks for checking in!
Love to all!
P.S. Here's an old picture of Vaeh to make your heart smile!
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