Sunday, August 22, 2010

The latest goings on

Well, a lot has happened in four months, and I suppose I should update those few people who actually read my blog.

For those of you who don't know I am pregnant with baby #3!  Yes, that's right, this house is about to get a whole lot crazier.  I am due January 26th from the looks of things.  This was not planned, but I suppose even when these things are planned they still throw you for a loop.  I am dealing.  Some days I think I can handle it, other days I feel less optimistic.  The kind of ironic thing about this pregnancy is that this baby is in almost the exact situation I was;  3rd child, not planned, due the 26th(a month after my birth day).  It seems somewhat serendipitous I suppose, for me to deal with my own personal feelings of self approval as I deal with the idea of accepting this baby as a member of our family.

Well, enough of that self healing talk...

We are well under way of finishing our latest construction project.  For the last few weeks we have been working on a playhouse for the kids.(No, we aren't stupid, its not hard, we just like to take our time.  You'd be amazed at how hard it is to accomplish tasks when you have kids.)  With any luck, we should be finished with the playhouse part in a week.  Then we can start working on the swing attachment.  One thing at a time.  If any one wants to build one of their own, its easy, and so far we've found, about the same cost as buying one.  The only difference is the ones you buy usually don't have complete playhouses, unless you want to spend $2000 more than the average Joe, and this one is a little bigger and has sturdier wood.  Totally worth it, and fun to build!  We got the plans from Knock-Off Wood.  We used her plans for Vaeh's bed, and will probably use more in the future.

 The playhouse so far, with Vaeh and her cousin Ammon climbing in the window

As for the kids they are great!  They love playing together(for the most part) which is great.  Its nice to have some time to yourself while your kids are otherwise occupied entertaining each other.  Vaeh just turned 4 and we had a great party for her.  Lately, she has been doing things that normally would terrify her.  The night of her birthday she took her first ride on a carousel and loved it!  Normally she would have screamed to get off, but she actually rode it twice!  She has also decided that after hating swimming for the last 4 years of her life she would try something new!  She is a regular fish.  She can swim all by herself(with arm floaties anyways)  which I think is pretty impressive for not doing it ever before.  But that's the way she's always been.  She wont do something unless she is 200% sure she wont fail.  She did the same with walking, riding a bike, and now swimming.  Its nice to know I can trust her to take the lead in her own life.

 Vaeh on the carousel
 The kids loving each other

As for Jobie he is just a doll.  He is the sweetest little boy.  I have been waiting for the "terrible twos" to hit us for a while.(Vaeh's hit around 18 months)  He will throw a fit maybe once a month!  All he wants to do is snuggle while pulling my hair, and play with Vaeh.  He likes to do most things himself, but I think that's most kids his age.  He can do a lot himself too.  He brushes his own teeth, climbs into his car seat, feeds himself(he's been doing that one for so long I can't remember feeding him last), and so much more.  Whatever his sister does he wants to try too.  He has a very large vocabulary and is pretty much speaking in cute little toddler sentences.  I LOVE it.  I wish I would have known when Vaeh was this young how much fun that age is.  I loved Vaeh at that age too, but I didn't know it was going to get harder, so I thing I took it for granted.
 I caught him reading a book to himself in his crib, priceless!

I guess that it for us for now...